The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Friday, May 1, 2020

(Page Forty Nine)

In my opinion the bible is garbage, considering some of the stuff, the bible teaches, including

(1) Mass murder of gays
(2) it is alright for a man to rape a woman, if he is willing to pay her father 40 pieces of silver, but if a woman have pre-marital sex, they execute her for been a slut.
(3) genocide of educated that got knowledge not from the bible and so on.

I believe Christianity is responsible for the 1000 years of dark ages, 1000 years of meaningless inquisition and the 100 years of black plague. Despite plague also happen in other parts of the world, plague is always put under control very quickly. And despite lacking modern technology, neither the ancient Romans nor the ancient Chinese was of 3rd world status, for most of its history, ancient Rome and ancient China has been of 1st world status. Yet, Christian Europe saw the dark ages that was an ultra-3rd world region. The Age of Enlightenment only made possible with firstly the introduction of separation of church and state, follow by separation of church and education and for the 1st time since the fall of the Roman Empire, the west reverts back to 1st world status. If die of old age, a human can live well into their 80s, yet, the average life expediency of Christian Europe was 35. South American turtles despite not having human intelligence, still live well over 100 years, proving without following the teaching of the bible, even unintelligent turtles can do better than Europe during the era of following the bible’s teaching.

The series of BS is even documented within the bible. For example, according to the bible the Anti-Christ is literally anything not from the Abraham religion, claiming that everything not from Yahweh to be evil. The killing of witches is even more BS, basically it just says any form of magic from the Abraham religion is from the Christian god, thus it is good and the rest must be from Satan and is evil. For example, the bible order the killing of fortune teller calling them evil, yet, the Christian church itself got fortune teller of their own that they refer to as "profit of the Lord" yet, because these fortune tellers and astrologist are from the Christian institution, they say they are good, while fortune tellers and astrologist not from the church, the bible accuse them of been evil, because they are not of the Christian institution. Adding to the irony, in the ancient world, people are not able to differentiate between science and magic, due to knowledge limitation, they understand rain fall from the sky, but they doesn't understand why, they see the water have higher and lower tied, but they can't understand why, thus, refers to it as magic, thus, what ancient people refer to as witches, a lot of time, it is what we modern people refer to as doctors and scientist. As a result, this ordering to execute magic practitioner by the church, is the first step to the downfall of western society to the dark ages, as it is really the mass genocide of those educated in arena of medicine, chemistry, biology, physic, architectural and mathematics.

proverb 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

And despite the bible claim life can only achieve maximum benefit following the bible’s teaching, what history prove is very much the opposite way around where the ancient Rome and ancient Chinese or even South American turtles that never follow the bible, was doing much better, even during the 19th century till mid-20th century where China was a weak 2nd world region, it wasn't as bad as Europe during the Dark Ages. The Age of Enlightenment only made possible with the separation of State and Education from the church. The only dynasty in all of human history that follow the bible’s teaching saw 1000 years of dark ages and considering it is a 1000 years old dynasty thus, got 1000 years to get it right, but still fail to get it right, with even South American wild turtles, able to have a higher standard of living, despite lacking intelligent, it speak much about the teaching of the bible.

Thus, you can image why I think the bible is garbage and the Christian value of (1) Yahweh is the one and only true god and (2) Yahweh is always right, to be as much as complete BS, compare to Communism, maybe even more of a BS, considering under the Mao Communist economic system, only 10% of China's population starve to death, while under the teaching of the bible, 90% of Europe's population died.

Hence, you can image why, when it comes to religion, I am more in favor of Paganism, Atheism and Buddhism.

Although, I should point out, my birth sign is literally 666, the number of the beast of the Anti-Christ, as I am literally born on the 6th of June 6AM. Although I must point out, in pre-Judaism era, in ancient Pagan religions, Yahweh was originally the god of Chaos in Mediterranean faith and the number 666 was the symbol of the god of peace, thus, the enemy of the god of Chaos. He was originally known as Yahweh the god of war and chaos in ancient Babylon and Set, the god of dessert, jealous and Chaos, in ancient Egypt.

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