The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Friday, May 1, 2020

(Page Fifty)

Thus, it is only nature, after the formation of the Abraham religion, 666 would be seen as the ultimate evil.

In Europe, the Abraham religion eventually took power, with rise of Emperor Constancy that wanted to use Christianity to secure his power, by combining State and religion and make himself the Catholic Church’s Pope. In the Middle East, it was largely due to the constant war between Persians and Europe, allowing the rise of the Arabs in the region of modern Saudi Arabia, due to trade from Asia to Europe is made difficult by the war and the Persian monarchy of the time practice incest, where marriage between brother and sister, father and daughter was the norm, creating generations of incompetent rulers. So, when the Muslims come, the Persians crumble.

Abraham religion did reached Asia, including combining with a distorted version of Buddhism, however, all their revolt to seize control, in Asia fail.

Example include the White Lotus rebellion between the 10th~12th century that combine the Abraham religion with a distorted version of Buddhism, that was widely rejected by the Buddhist community, the revolt attempt of the White Lotus cult, was defeated and the White Lotus cult destroyed, but left China vulnerable to the Mongol invasion. The next recorded attempt of Yahweh follower revolt is the Ming cult 明教. The Ming cult was been defeated, firstly with Chinese military leaders ally with the Ming cult army to overthrow the Mongol rule of China, the Chinese General 朱元璋 later the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty even spread a rumor that he is the reincarnation of Jesus, here to lead humanity against the Mongols, which is the army of Satan. Despite promising the Ming cult to combine church and state, 朱元璋 betray the Ming cult to the Mongols, when they outlive their usefulness and never deliver on the promise of combining Abraham religion with state, instead he further reinforce Confucius ideology, as the tool to suppress the Ming cult and later to prevent Abraham religion trying to launch another holy war, leaving China vulnerable to Mongol invasion again, the Ming dynasty government not only outlaw the Ming cult, but executed all their leaders and many of their followers and burn their text. Since then, the Ming cult become a mere memory in history.

There was another attempt in Japan, where Japanese that converted to Catholicism, revolt by the pope’s order but fail, in the aftermath, Japan refuse all trade and contact with foreign nation except China, until the 19th century. The final recorded attempt, was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom rebellion in the 19th century China, over 1 million people died in this war, the rebel leader claim to be the second coming of Christ, also. The rebellion was been put down and led to wide spread anti-Christian feelings in China for the next 50 years, it also made China vulnerable to the European colonial power.

However, because every revolt attempt of the Abraham religions in Asia fail, pagan religion continues to be mainstream in Asia till date and co-evolved with Buddhism, as the mainstream religion.

All Pagan religions throughout the world, share a common root and that is Africa. When the first human left Africa they bring with them, their religion believes and in each part of the world they evolved independently, when we look at each Pagan religion in the world, we can find many of their religion practice to be extremely similar and many of their gods, are the same. One of the most significant is astrology, where gypsy astrology and Chinese astrology are extremely similar.

Thus, religion practice of Eastern Pagan religion can also be adapted to be used, in western Pagan religions.

So, today, we will be teaching you a method regarding how the Chinese Pagan religion Taoism communicate with a god. And how to use this method to communicate with the gods of Western Pagan religion. This is a simple process, those who are not priests or priestesses can do. This is a religion practice, regarding how to ask the gods a question.

This is by using an instrument call 擲筊 which to the best knowledge of this article, does not have an English name, so, we will translate it directly from Chinese call it "throwing Zhixiao". Like a penny, a Zhixiao have a head side and a tail side. Zhixiao comes in pairs, with two identical Zhixiao, as shown in the image on this link

As an alternative to Zhixiao, something else that got both a head side and a tail side, can be use as substitution e.g. two coins.

When asking the gods, a question, ask the gods in a prayer, but hold the Zhixiao between your palms, afterwards, open your palm and let it drop to the ground.

If you get one head and one tail, as shown in the image on this link, and you manage to get one head and one tail, three times in a row, it means the gods say yes.

Since I made such a big talk about why I think the bible is garbage. I thought I share these 2 videos with you

In asking for the approval of the God Cupid via Pagan Ritual, the following is the question is asked to Cupid, in the prayer

Dear Cupid,

Do, you approved of the Relationship advice provided by this book?

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