The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Regarding to the principle of code of ethic

Regarding to ethic theory, I favor German philosopher Immanuel Kant, Chinese philosopher Confucius and the Buddhist concept of Karma.

Immanuel Kent believe the principle of ethic need to consider both the mean and the end. The mean is the event that has taken place, the end is the result.

For example, if you are driving on a freeway with a 100 km/h speed limit and you are driving within the speed limit and this person high on drug, suddenly jump in front of your car, before you or any reasonable person can stop, causing your car to hit him, leading him to die on the spot, under the circumstances, you did nothing wrong.

However, if you are driving at the speed of 100 km/h at a 40 km/h speed limit zone and that person die as a result, what you did is wrong.

Both cases, you hit somebody with your car, resulting in that person’s death, but due to the difference circumstances, in one case you are at fault, in the other, you did nothing wrong.

Confucius believe ethic is based on whether you cause disturbance to peace and harmony (e.g. commit murder or terrorist attack) and when necessary perform your duty to help maintain the necessary level of peace and harmony (e.g. paying your taxes). Subject to that a person got the right of freedom, but also got the duty to tolerate such right of others, even if that other person is immoral, because as long as he/she cause no disturbance to peace and harmony and his/her duty to maintain necessary level of peace and harmony, is fulfilled, everybody got the right of freedom, thus, you got no such right to enforce morality upon another, against their will, under this circumstances, as by doing so, you cause disturbance to peace and harmony. This is similar to the modern western view of a person got the right of freedom, if not harming others.

Confucius speak much of justice’s importance, but never talked about its principle.

Regarding to justice’s principle, I favor the Buddhist view of Karma. In my opinion, Karma is just a fancy word for “What goes around comes around.” And base on that I would argue that justice’s principle is “Don’t take advantage of others.”

Base on that I would argue that the principle of ethic, is based on the principle of Peace, Harmony and Justice.

Peace = Not causing harm to a society or others, with the exception of defense of self, society or others with justifiable cause.

Harmony = Not causing disturbance to good orders

Justice = Not taking advantage of others, with the exception of defense of self, society or others with justifiable cause

The principle of Harmony, is built upon the principle of Peace and cannot contradict Peace’s principle. Hence the principle of Good Order, cannot be an act causing harm to society or other, with the exception of defense of self, society or others with justifiable cause

The principle of Justice, is built upon the principle of Peace and Harmony and cannot contradict Peace and Harmony’s principle.

In addition, to determine whether an act is causing disturbance to peace, harmony or justice, you need to consider both the mean and the end.

The principle regarding to

1. What is good ethical
2. whether it is defending, self, society or others with justifiable cause or not and
3. Your duty to help maintain the necessary level of Peace, Harmony and Justice

To such extend, Cupid favor a passage within Confucius’ believe that the duty of the government, is to maintain the necessary level of peace and harmony, but cannot themselves contradict peace and harmony’s principle.

Thus, Cupid would argue that

1. An act of good ethical, is an act that: Enforce Peace, Harmony or Justice, but doesn’t violate the principle of Peace, Harmony or Justice (If an action neither enforce or cause disturbance to Peace, Harmony or Justice, it is neither good ethical nor unethical, but is of a neutral nature.)

2. Whether it is defending self, society or others with justifiable cause or not: A justifiable cause is an act of defending, self, society or others, without violating the principle of Peace, Harmony or Justice

3. Your duty to help maintain the necessary level of Peace, Harmony and Justice: is performing your necessary duty to defend self, society or others with justifiable cause (e.g. paying your taxes)

Thus, Cupid define an abuse relationship to women

Cupid define an intentionally abusive relationship to women as: A relationship violate the principle of ethic, via causing disturbance to the peace, harmony or justice, of the woman with malicious intent.

Unintentionally abusive relationship to women as: A relationship that cause disturbance to the peace, harmony or justice of the woman via accident.

(However, most cases of abusive relationship, fall under the category of intentionally abusive relationship. Unintentionally abusive relationship, is very rare and almost none existence.)

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