The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Monday, April 27, 2020

(Page Twenty Nine)

(A) just because 2 people are dating doesn't mean a relationship is going to work or it is right for them (not the one):

Men are more likely to be sexually attracted to girls that are healthy, well educated, nice, smart and rational and women like alpha males. These are evolution instinct, regarding to the law of sexual attraction, it is physic, it cannot be changed.

However, Cupid needs you to understand

1. Lust is not enough for Love
2. Love is not enough for Marriage

Just because there is that initial attraction, it doesn't mean two people are compatible or right for each other or even mean by the end of the day they want to be together. (not the one)

(PS: Also, important to note, most narcissist beta male thugs, talk and act like alpha male, but in reality, are beta male. On the other hand, some alpha male, you won’t know they are actually alpha male, till you know them better. For example, a lot of gangsters, they join gang due to feeling scare and insecure and hope by doing so, they can gain a sense of security, only to later discover been part of a gang is more dangerous, some even feel insecure to travel along. Male spoil rich kids, keep up the appearance of been an alpha male, using their parent’s money, but once their parents cut them off, their beta male real nature is revealed. Real alpha male are less likely to know he is an alpha male, till knowing them better, for example, cops and soldiers many doesn’t look tough out of uniform, a lot of self-made rich people, are not wasteful to money, most male rich kids hope to be able to make it on their own, to prove they are not some looser that can’t make it without their parents money. The only type of alpha male you can tell as alpha male on first impression, are those who are confident. But many thugs appear confident on first impression, by talking and acting tough, but in reality, they are scare and lack confidence, which is why they talk and act tough, similar to how small breed dogs are usually more aggressive compare to larger dogs.)

(B) Secondly, thinking "Dating is about trying to make a relationship work", enhance domestic violence rate:

A lot of people ask old couple that been happily married for years, about their secret.

But one thing those old couple always forget to tell you is "When you are with the right person, it is easy". There is an old saying "those who love their job never worked a single day" the same applies to relationship.

Cupid heard, many westerners saying, "What is the point of me putting so much work into a relationship if he/she is going to cheat on me? Of course, I am going to be angry"

Cupid's answer is simple, “You should never put effort into a relationship. You should never put effort to make a relationship work. When you are dating, it should be a situation where the relationship works for you, despite you put in 0% effort and never try to make the relationship work. (met the one) If you need to put any effort into a relationship or you need to put any effort into making a relationship work (not the one), it is time to breakup.” Why?


(1) You are just Dating, you are not married, therefore you are not obligated to put any effort into a relationship or to put any effort into making a relationship work. In addition to that,

(2) when you are in a relationship that works for you, with a person you want to be with (with the one), you will never need to put a single day of work, into trying to make a relationship work, they never for a single day, put any effort into that relationship. Why?

Think of it this way. Image you are in college and you are camping out to get ticket to your favor rock star's concert, with your friends. You won't think of it as work, but, see this as a fun, crazy, wild experience of your youth. On the other hand, image for work, your boss wants you to get ticket to the ballet for your company client, because their CEO love ballet. So, now you are camping out overnight, to get the ballet tickets, would you find that to be very hard work? Both, are event where you camp out to get ticket, the first is for something you love, the other for something you hate, one is seen as very hard work, while the other is not been seen as work at all, but a wild, crazy and fun experience of your youth.

The same apply to relationship, all the hard work you put into your relationship, is not been seen as work, when/if you are with that person you want to be with, in a relationship that works for you (with the one). But when you are with the wrong person, within a relationship you don't want to be in (not the one), even the smallest bit of work, can be a major chore.

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