The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Monday, April 27, 2020

(Page Thirty)

Thus, thinking that

1. "Dating is about trying to make a relationship work"
2. "Dating is about love and commitment" and/or
3. "Dating is a serious, committed and exclusive relationship"

Dramatically increase domestic violence rate, if you are with the wrong person. It is like, stuck in a job you hate, with a boss that constantly perform workplace bullying upon you, day after day, month after month, year after freaked year finally, one day, you had a melt down and bashed up your boss in the middle of a meeting and the thing that led to your meltdown, might be the smallest thing. It is like a bottle, when it is already full, adding just a bit more water, can let it over float. Some people that conducted domestic violence, are originally perfectly nice guys that never thought he would hit a woman in his life. But, due to these flawed western concepts, he tries to make a relationship work, when he is in a relationship he doesn't want to be in and is not working for him. (not with the one)

On the other hand, even if it is an abusive guy. Think of it this way, if you really like something or someone, would you cause harm to that? Cupid is not saying a wife is the husband’s property (so, the bible infer the idea that a wife is the husband's property is complete BS) but let's say there is something you like a lot, for example, your mum left it for you and it hold great sentimental value to you, would you cause harm to it?

Thus, if he is abusive, obviously you two are not right for each other. (not the one) and obviously he doesn't love you.

(C) When you just start dating a person, how should you know is this relationship right? (is he/she the one?)

In addition, when 2 people just started dating, how are you or they or anybody supposed to know, whether this relationship is right for them? (is he/she the one?) When, they first met in a bar, university cafe or at the bus stop, they are complete 110% strangers, that know nothing about each other, in fact, that person might even be a complete psycho. Which further enhance the chance of women becoming a domestic abuse victim due to thinking

1. "Dating is about trying to make a relationship work"
2. "Dating is about love and commitment" and/or
3. "Dating is a serious, committed and exclusive relationship"

Even if that person is not a complete psycho and is a decent guy/girl, how are they supposed to know they are right for each other or want to be together or the relationship work for them? (is he/she the one?)

Even, when you are dating somebody that you know for years, you might work well, as just friends, but, horrible and miserable together as a couple. (not the one)

This is a further reason why Cupid think, the western view of thinking “Dating = Couple, Spouse or even marriage” and “if two people are hanging out, it is sufficient to make them qualify as dating”, is completely unacceptable, toxic and disturbing.

Becoming a Couple, Spouse or Married, are all big commitments, that should not be taken lightly. Yet, the western view of thinking hanging out = dating and dating = Couple, Spouse or even marriage, forces people to recklessly and irresponsibly make this sort of big life commitment [or just never get into a relationship], frequently, with devastating results, evidence by the west's high rate of bad and unhealthy relationship, evidence by its high rate of abuse to women and divorce (and a product of the high domestic abuse rate, is political correctness insanity, associate with protecting women from domestic abuse, which in the end, only make matter worse and further enhance domestic abuse rate)

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Page Thirty One

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