The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

(Page Thirty Five) Topic Three: Healthy Way to Date

Topic Three: Healthy Way to Date 

Chapter One: Take it Slow

Just like why it is unwise and reckless to marry a complete stranger, you just met in Vegas. It is unwise and reckless to be spouse or couple with a complete stranger.

Cupid's advice is

You should know a guy/girl for at least...

1. 1~2 year till talking about been a couple (because Couples are 2 people that are romantically together, thus, by making such commitment, leaving him/her for another guy/girl would be breaking a commitment, but if you are just Dating, you made no such commitment, even if you are Dating Exclusively.)

2. 2~3 years till talking about been spouses (because you made a commitment to be emotionally exclusive and having an emotional affair with a 3rd party is now breaking a commitment, despite having an emotional affair is most likely just going out with the 3rd party as just friends.)

3. Never agrees to be in an emotionally exclusive relationship with a person you are not Spouse with.

4. If you know a person for less than 4 months, specify Dating None Exclusively or go out as just friends.

5. If you are to Date a person you know for under 4 months exclusively (e.g. maybe as a guy, you want to get laid and is afraid of STD risk associate with open relationship) make sure (1) both parties know it is alright for both parties to have emotional affair with other people as just friends and (2) if after 4 months you don’t see anything long term with this girl, break up with her, so both she and you can date other people.

In addition, it is in my opinion, most likely a relationship isn’t working out if

1. You been in a romantic relationship for over 3 years and still not ready to be Spouses.

2. You been in a romantic relationship for over 2 years and still not ready to be a Couple

3. You been in a romantic relationship for over one year and still not ready to specify Dating Exclusively

In Cupid’s opinion, been Unwed Spouse is as good as been married, due to, the two are almost the same thing, with the exception of a piece of paper and for Unwed Spouses, splitting up is more convenient, due to there is no need of a divorce. However, for two people to qualify as been ready to be Unwed Spouses, they are ready to have children together and if two people after been Unwed Spouses for over one year and been in a relationship for over 3 years and still got no children together, there are some obvious problem with your relationship and the two of you need to sit down and have a serious discussion about your relationship, including consideration to break up, (especially if you are a girl, due to you only got so many child baring years.)

Never let anybody bully you into a relationship, you are not ready for or doesn’t want to be in.

This is especially something girls need to learn, because by nature women are more submissive.

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