The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

(Page Thirty Four)

And even if he is not an abusive thug and her dad is not a mob boss, it doesn't necessarily mean the two of you are right for each other or by the end of the day want to be together. As two people that are just dating, you shouldn't need to try make the relationship work, as you made "no commitment " except an agreement to be socializing with romantic intent, until one party wants to break up. There is no married, spouse, life partner, sexual mate, romantically together (aka a Couple) commitment or even an exclusive commitment! And just because two people are Dating doesn't necessary mean they are right for each other or the relationship work for them or want to be together (After dating for a while, it is totally possible that you discover this person is not the one). (Otherwise, why are there so many stories of dating one person, but in love with another?)

And you really need to get to know a person a bit better, before knowing whether this person is the one.

In Asia, it is usually recommended two people should know each other intimately for at least one year (as friends or Dating), before becoming a None Spouse Couple and two years, before becoming Spouses. (most people won’t start Dating Exclusively, till knowing each other intimately as friends, for at least six months, due to open relationship is seen as taboo, in Asia.)

The western sense of confusing Dating to be same as Marriage, is literally no better than running off to Vegas and marry a complete stranger, it is an extremely stupid, reckless and unhealthy thing to do that dramatically increase abusive relationship and middle age divorce rate.

The 5 Stages of Relationships Everyone Should Know

Thus, what is true Romantic Love?

True Romantic Love, is where you like somebody romantically,
despite their flaws,
despite their imperfection
and despite their baggage.

It is not a situation where you merely learn to tolerate it.
It is a situation where you like them, despite of it.

True Romantic Love is when the two of you like each other and want to be together, so much,
even if you are not compatible
even if you are completely wrong for each other
and because you like each other so much
and want to be together so much,
you are able to surpass everything incompatible between the two of you
you are able to surpass everything that make the two of you wrong for each other

So, when everybody says “I give them one-year top”
After forty years, you are still together.
And it makes everybody scratch their head asking
“How these two people that are completely wrong for each other, managed to last for so long.”

It doesn’t mean you can’t be a match made in heaven
Or to be perfect for each other.
But in the face of true romantic love.
None of those thing matters.

You can be a match made in heaven
Or completely wrong for each other
You can be perfect for each other
Or completely incompatible.

But when it is not true love,
Even if you are a match made in heaven
Or you are perfect for each other
It is still fake love.
And something as little as,
One person prefers Pizza while the other prefer noodle for dinner,
Can lead to a divorce or breakup.

And thirty years down the track,
When even your kids don’t understand why mum and dad is able to last for so long
Because they are completely wrong for each other
Because they are completely incompatible.
You will tell them that “Relationship is hard, but when you are with the right person, it is easy”

(This is a very shitty poem, right? LOL, but it gets the message across, so, whatever.)

But, is marriage about trying to make a relationship work, love and commitment and a serious, exclusive and committed relationship?

Marriage is a “Serious, exclusive and committed relationship” until death or divorce.

Marriage is about “trying to make a relationship work” till death or one party want a divorce. (although some people would say “You own it to your partner, to at least try make a relationship work, before wanting a divorce” and I will say…it is still a matter regarding to the code of ethic, so, if it is unethical to not try make a relationship work, before wanting a divorce, in that instance, go to marriage counseling first. But, if it is a situation, where get a divorce without trying to make it work first is the ethical thing to do e.g. abusive relationship, just go for the divorce ASAP.)

Marriage can be about “love” but doesn’t need to be. But married for “Love” is the best reason to get married.

Having a Man can only be better comparing to not having a man, if it is the right man.

Have no Man, is better compare to having the wrong man. 

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