The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

(Page Forty One) Additional Resource One: Dating Inspiration from the East

Additional Resource One: Dating Inspiration from the East

Number One

There is this short film from China that I remember and the message within the movie, in my opinion is very good

The story talk about how a high school kid that got this major crush on his teacher, he wanted to asked her out, but, her boyfriend on that very same day proposed to her in front of her entire class and the teacher said yes. The boy learned that this teacher and her boyfriend met four years ago, when he saved her from a robbery and they been together ever since. While walking on the beach feeling sorry for himself, he came across an old man. The old man gave the boy a time machine wrist watch. So, the boy went to four years ago and tried saved that female teacher from the robber, but when he was fighting the gangster, her future boyfriend came and woo her away. So, he travel through time again and this time, he lure the sexy teacher’s future boyfriend away first and then went to fight the gangster, moved by the whole knight in shinny armor routine adding to the boy wrote her a love song and sang it to her, in front of the entire hospital staff when he was recovering from the fight with the gangster, the sexy teacher was moved and they started dating and soon moved in together. But soon after that, the boy found the sexy teacher’s future boyfriend is starting a job nearby, fearing something might happen, the boy did all he can to avoid letting the sexy teacher and her future boyfriend meet, yet, one day they still met, it was love at first sight and starting from that day, the sexy teacher is frequently absent and would come home late with all sort of excuse and finally one day she admit to the boy, she fallen in love with somebody else and can no longer control how she felt, she try to be faithful for as long as she could, but she can no longer control her heart and broke up with the boy. And the boy was sad and was crying on the beach again

In the end of the movie, while crying on the beach, the boy saw the old man again and told him what happened, the old man smiled and said, been Cheated on is not the most important, the most important thing in a relationship isn’t whether you will stay together, the most important thing is the journey. Finally, the boy let go of this relationship and start a real relationship with a girl his own age that had a crush on him for ages.

The moral of this story, when a relationship is meant to be, it is meant to be, if it is not meant to be, forcing it, will only cause harm to yourself and others. Been able to find the one, grow old together with a death do us part, is a blessing, but forcing a relationship that is not meant to be, is only going to cause greater pain, thus, it isn’t about trying to force a relationship that is not meant to be, to last forever, it is about able to enjoy the time you got together and able to let go, when it is time to let go.

(and sometime it might hurt not only you and the person you are in a relationship with. For example, who is the greatest victim of a divorce, it is the kids. So, you try make a relationship work that is not meant to be work for marriage and got kids together. The end result is either you stay together for the kids and hurt each other or you get divorce and hurt the kids. And some relationship are so toxic, it might be better for the kids, if you get divorce, instead of staying together.)

And there is one phrase from this movie I like translate into English it meant “Don’t care about whether you are able to stay together forever, only care about he/she is once part of your life.” 不在乎天長地久只在乎曾經擁有

It reminds me of another story, there are these two backpackers from two completely different country that met in a country that is foreign to both of them. They Dated for a while over there, it was supposed to be only a short two months thing. But afterwards the girl really missed him and was crying, her friends were confused and ask her “What is the matter with you, you only know him for two months?” Eventually, the girl and that guy she met while backpacking got back into contact and eventually got married. It reminded me of this Taoism mythology it believes who is going to be your spouse are all pre-determined by fate. The god of love got a book with the name of every person in the world and a beg of red strings, he would tie up the foot of the two people that are supposed to be together. Afterwards, no matter who they are or how far they are apart, they will end up together. And the story about the two backpackers I talked about earlier that is a real story I heard on TV. After marriage the couple decided to live in Taiwan, she was already a chef back in the UK and now she own a most successful authentic British restaurant, in Southern Taiwan and draw a lot of media attention and during a media interview with reporters about her restaurant, she talked about why she moved to Taiwan, thus revealed this story. [Interesting how in the west, western food is just food and Asian food is ethnic food, but go to Asia, all in a sudden, Asian food Is just food, but western food is ethnic food, right? LOL] On the other hand there are those that been dating for years and still in an on again and off again relationship and more often than less, those relationship doesn’t work out. The moral of this story, years with the wrong person, is nothing compare to only 2 months, with the right person. (Although, they make lots of bake potato in that TV segment, isn’t bake potato Mexican? When I heard British, I was thinking fish and chips LOL)

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