The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

(Page Forty) This western view of confusing dating to be the same as marriage, can also dramatically increase the rate of unnecessary hurt feelings.

This western view of confusing dating to be the same as marriage, can also dramatically increase the rate of unnecessary hurt feelings.

As mention earlier in this book, as humans, we don't actually respond towards situations, but our evaluation of situation.

Thus, if relationship is merely Dating Relationship with an acquaintances, but never consent to be on Dating Term, but you think Dating Relationship = Dating, regardless to whether you consent, Dating = Spouse, when this guy/girl start Dating another guy/girl, you are going to evaluate this as your Spouse having physically or emotionally affair with another guy/girl and...seen your exclusive life partner/exclusive sexual mate fooling around with other guys/girls, even if that is an emotional affair...let's just hope it won't become a murder suicide.

And even when/if it is Cheating, there is a big difference between been cheated on by your sexual mate/life partner vs just some female acquaintances you are hanging out with (especially if you already slept with her.)

Video One

In the following video, she is an honor student and a beautiful young woman with a bright future. He is a young lawyer on the rise. Within the courtroom, the prosecutor paints her as a jealous stalker girlfriend that hacked her Boyfriend’s Facebook, to drive away all his other romantic potentials and then murder him in a jealous rage, when discovering he is dumping her for another girl that he made a date with. But in my opinion this is the result of another case of a western girl that is confusing Dating to be same as marriage and as a result, is pushed over the edge, due do you think any person would act, if his/her exclusive sexual mate/life partner continue to have emotional affair with many other girls and then discover your life partner/sexual mate, is leaving you for somebody else? But the only problem is, they are not husband and wife nor unwed spouses, they are just Dating, therefore they are not life partner nor sexual mate, they are just two friends or acquaintances that are merely just hanging out and nothing more.

If this girl understands this, she might not be spending the next forty years in prison.

Video Two

Due to not confusing Dating to be same as marriage, people in Asia are able to have a bit more fun with it. Amount all East Asian people, Gen Y Taiwanese singles guys (usually over their mid 20s, because they are more confident) are the biggest flirt.

Video Three

And Gen Y westerners that convert to Asian view of Dating, due to living in Asia and live in Taiwan…some of them becomes just as much of a flirt

(In fact, after converting to Asian dating view, western male in Taiwan is usually the biggest player of all. This is due to most East Asian women seeking a western man, are looking for a causal relationship, but very few seek serious relationship with them. In fact, according to a survey of 100 Taiwanese women it found despite 100% are interest in Dating a Western men, only 1% is interest in marrying a western man. It is found most Taiwanese women think, western men are irresponsible toy boys, good for a casual fling, but not something you want for a steady diet and Taiwanese women that are interest in Dating western men is usually due to in East Asia, women generally see white men as the romance symbol and black men as the bad boy symbol. It is similar to why, American girls like guys from Spain, Italy and France and some American girls like guys with British accent. Despite they are merely looking for a casual fling, we all know that sometime causal relationship can turn serious. The majority of white men and Asian women marriage that last the long run, fall under this category, an originally causal relationship turn serious and most western guys living in East Asia already know, they can get a lot of girls, seeking a causal relationship, but girls seeking a serious relationship won’t even giving them a second glance)

Video Four

When it comes to Cheating, Japanese people are the most liberal. Cupid isn’t asking you to agree with them 100%, but here in the west, we really are taking this Cheating thing, way too far.

Video One
Video Two
Video Three

Video Five

This Asian guy doesn’t even care other people are chatting and flirting with his girlfriend right in front of him. (If it is me, I am not even sure, whether it is possible I be so cool about it, due to I find the idea of snatching somebody’s date to be really rude, I mean, I don’t mind people try stealing the girl I am dating, if it is just Dating between friends or acquaintances, but trying to snatch somebody’s date, in the middle of a date, I just find it rude).

Video Six

And due to coming from a culture where open relationship isn’t taboo and also due to converting to Asian view of Dating, what this western girl did, is also something most Asian girls and western girls that not yet converted to Asian dating view, not likely would do

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