The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

(Page Thirty Two)

How much effect can this genetic difference have? As we know, in pre modern western society, the traditional value rooted to the dark ages, believe royals are of a better blood and royals can only marry royals. But with so few royals it leads to many marriages between cousins, the long-term effect is, many stupid people that are in power, partly contributed to the dark ages. In ancient Persia it was even worse. Ancient Persia was so insisting on keeping royal blood separated, direct marriage between father and daughter, mother and son, brother and sister is the norm. It created a generation of retards in power, part of the reason, the Arab's Muslim army was able to overthrow the Persian Empire. An interesting fact is, while coming across the Arab vs Persian war, at first, the Chinese send troops to reinforced the Persians and the ancient Chinese, as the ancient version of the US, was able to keep the Arabs out of Persia, but the Persian leaders was such idiots it would crumble, without Chinese aids, so the Chinese was not able to establish a policy allowing the Persian to fend against the Arabs without Chinese support and sending troops from China to Persia was extremely expensive during those days, so, after a while, the Chinese recall their troops back to China and once the Chinese left, the Persians fall to the Arabs, like Vietnam fall to the Communist after the US left. There are both written and archaeological evidence of this and a recent French archaeological discovery shows that then Persia went as far as declaring themselves as a wavering province of China, in exchange of Chinese sending troops.

On the other hand, ancient Asia was very powerful, incest is not only frowned upon, it can even be illegal. For example, both ancient China and ancient Mongolia disallow incest. Ancient Asia, already know incest can create disable children, despite they are not sure why. During the Ming dynasty China (1368~1644), the law literally dictates that Chinese royals, are only allow to marry peasants. Thus, every Queen of the Ming dynasty, are born as a peasant, some even come from poverty. A good example, is the mother of Ming dynasty’s Emperor Wanli (reign 19 July 1572 – 18 August 1620), was a former servant girl working in the palace and due to become Emperor at the age of one, for the first 20 years of his reign, it was his mother Dowager Xiaoding that is in power and according to historical account Emperor Wanli knocked up a 16 years old palace servant in a drunken hookup and when he try denier it, the servant girl had the full support of Wanli’s mother that pressure him to take responsibility and make the servant girl his Queen. The son of Emperor Wanli and this palace servant later succeed the throne and become known as Emperor Taichang, despite Wanli doesn’t like Taichang very much, due to his mother was a palace servant and Wanli only made him the crown prince due to pressure from his own mother.

Biologist found, that the greater are the genetic difference between two people, the more likely they can tolerate each other's short coming and appreciates each other's positive attributes. Meaning, when two people got enough genetic opposite, for a girl, whether he is e.g. an alpha male or beta male, won't matter anymore. And for guys, whether she is a pretty girl, won't matter anymore, in fact, with enough genetic opposite, it is possible, it won't bother him, even if she is fat!

There was an experiment a few years ago. Five girls were asked to wear the same T shirt for five days, never taking it off, afterwards, each T shirt was put into a separate jar and seal tight for another seven days (under the sun!). Afterwards, the T shirt is supposed to smell very bad. A guy is brought in and asked to smell each T shirt, while a few, he finds it gross, some doesn't bother him and the rest he actually finds the smell pleasant. Then, it was revealing their genetic opposite level, the one that are with the smell that make him feel gross, are girls with high genetic similarity to him. The one where the smell doesn't bother him, their level of genetic opposite is moderate. The ones where the smell he finds pleasant, their level of genetic opposite is great. (it reminds me a few years ago, I know this pretty girl, I always ask for a hug from her when we meet or say goodbye and sometime a few times, when we hang around LOL, everytime we hug, I always finds her smelling a bit like strawberry, I always wonder is that her nature scent or is it the soap or shampoo she use)

(Hence, for guys that are trying to pick up girls, here is a tip, go after the girl you are most attracted to. Because, there is a chance there are greater genetic opposite and with greater genetic opposite, the fact you are a total dork, might not bother her so much.)

Genetic Opposite also Creates a lot of Odd Couples that last the long run

Two people in all reasonable logic is completely wrong for each other and by all logic should not be able to last the long run, ended up becoming very happy couple that last the long run and is able to survive all the major high and lows. While some other Couples, that are perfect for each other, a match made in heaven and by all logic should be able to last the long run, ended up as the one getting divorce and grow to hate each other and become a relationship that cannot survive even the most minor conflict.

Example of Odd Couple created by Genetic Opposite, Keira Knightly and James Righton

One of Cupid's favor example, would be celebrity Keira Knightly and her husband James Righton. They are Hollywood's odd couple, breaking every rule.

Keira Knightly one of the most desirable women in Hollywood and one of the biggest movie stars in the world with a net worth over 60 million dollars. Her husband James Righton, merely play in a London base local band, on average only earn 5000 British Pound per year.

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