The western world got the highest rate of bad and unhealthy relationships in the world and as a result the highest rate of middle age divorce and abuse to women in the world (also most political correctness insanity with protecting women from domestic abuse that in the long run only helps to enhance abuse towards women, by screwing over none abusive nice guys that got much to lose from the political correctness insanity, driving women into the arms of abusers, with more good guys rather staying single) This is because the western world got some very flawed idea about relationships. To effectively tackle the problems of high rate of bad and unhealthy relationships, we need to first understand what are these flawed views and change people's view on love, dating, marriage, cheating and ethic of relationship.

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(Page One) Topic One: The distorted western values that enhance Abusive Rate

Why the modern mainstream western attitude increases your chance of been in a bad and unhealthy relationship and miss out on your Mr. Right...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

(Page Thirty Eight) Topic Four: However, the mainstream western world, continue to confuse Dating to be same as marriage

Topic Four: However, the mainstream western world, continue to confuse Dating to be same as marriage

Going onto google and type "Are we Dating" and you get many articles from women online magazines on this topic. Typing this into a google search engine and the top three articles, Cupid found is

Demonstrating that the west doesn’t understand, it doesn’t count as Dating, unless there are mutual consent out of own free world in a clear state of mind.

Even in Hollywood romantic comedies. For example "How to Loose a Guy in Ten Days" staring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey and "Failure to Launch" staring Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew McConaughey and “She is out of my League” staring Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve despite are great movies, which I love a lot, the leading male and female characters, never consent to be dating or to be boyfriend/girlfriend, inferring the idea of it doesn't matter whether you consent to it or not, in Asia’s romantic comedy, verbal or written consent is always necessary for it to count as dating, otherwise, you are just friends,

Despite in the movie, it is all harmless fun, take that sort of western attitude towards dating into the real world, it can achieve horrible result and many cases of abuse to women and middle age divorces

In addition, in western media product, it refers to all people that are dating as a "Couple" despite never agree to be on Couple term and their relationship obviously not yet reached that Couple stage.

In Hollywood movies we also see the demonization of the so call “Friend zone” inferring an idea that two people cannot possibly be in a Dating Relationship, but not on Dating Term.

In comparison, in Asia media, two people that are in a dating relationship, but not on Dating Term is very common. These sort of relationships, are usually been refer to as 關係曖昧 translate to English via Google translate include (1) ambiguous (2) dubious (3) equivocal (4) uncertain (5) indefinite (6) doubtful (7) shady and (8) indistinct relationship. In more classic literature written prior to the 1970s, it is generally refer to as 紅顏知己, which translate to English means “a romantic interest”.

(Within this following video the girl is talking about, when a girl find herself been in a romantic relationship 關係曖昧 how to determine, whether you should decide to officiate your relationship, by becoming on Dating Term, Couple Term, Spouse Term or Married Term. She believe there are six things to consider and it is important to not fall head over heel due to the pink bubbles of been in a relationship. She believes it include (1) whether the two of you are able to communicate with each other easily: for example, when both people are alpha there might be more conflict, but if both person is are beta, the relationship would lack leadership. And whether the two of you will fight, naturally when two people are in a relationship, but not on Dating, Couple, Spouse or Married Term, it is less likely for there to be any real fight, due to the relationship isn't official, but, it is still possible that when the 2 of you got difference in opinion, so when that happen, can the 2 of you respect each other's view point. (2) whether he would keep a commitment and you need to observe from their action whether they are a person that keep his word. (3) You need to be on the same wave length in terms of sense of humor. The girl claim, whenever she determine whether to be on Dating Term or Couple Term or more with a person she is in at least a Dating Relationship with, she will always consider whether he gets her sense of humor (4) whether your value on money to be the same (5) To share the same value regarding to relationship, politics and treatment of people and (6) life goal. The reason Cupid want to share this video with you, is that as you can see, in Asia people understand finding yourself been in a Dating Relationship, Couple Relationship, Spouse Relationship or Marital Relationship isn't sufficient, it is about whether the two of you mutually consent on been on Dating Term, Couple Term Spouse Term or Married Term out of own free will, in a clear state of mind. )

Further example is a once popular TV show “Cheater” and a currently popular YouTube show “To Catch a Cheater”. Cheater is a TV show that catch out people that are having physical affair with a 3rd party, while been in a romantic relationship, with a 2nd party. However, the problem is that, are the person been caught having a physical affair with the 3rd party, is his/her relationship with the 2nd party Spouses? Or did they ever talk about been Exclusive? Because, if they are not Spouse nor talk about been exclusive, “Cheater” isn’t the politically correct term.

I’ve also seen media production similar to “Cheater” in Asia, but we don’t call it “Cheater” we use name such as “Test his/her level of faithfulness.” Or “How faithful is him/her?”

“To Catch a Cheater” is even worse. Some of the people on “To Catch a Cheater” are obviously not Spouses. Yet, the show is accusing people of Cheating, for something that is only Cheating between Spouses. A lot of them at most qualify as Dating Couple or just Dating between Friends or just Dating between Acquaintances. Yet, the show’s YouTube Channel Home Page literally got a big banner that says “To Catch a Cheater, will your Spouse Cheat”

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